December 25, 2009

Children who speak English

Children who speak English as their first language is now a minority in central London primary school, official figures showed yesterday.
Children with different native languages form the majority in the primary elections in 13 of the 33 boroughs of London and near Slough.
In inner London, 54 percent of elementary school students and 48.5 percent in secondary institutions do not speak English as their first language. This is for 159,340 children are amazing.
Across the country, English is a foreign language is more than one in seven primary children - nearly half a million.
The figures from the Department of Children, Schools and Families pointed to the huge demographic changes over the decades. About one fifth of students from ethnic minorities - up from 11 percent in 1997.
There is concern that the school's financial distress as more and more young people need help with English.
Heads' leader has urged the Government to fund schools adequately and provide fair treatment to them during the inspection with a large concentration of non-English speakers.
The figures show there are 14 council areas where the children of primary school with English as their second language in the majority - 13 London boroughs and the Slough.
In Tower Hamlets nearly four out of five young children do not have English as their native language. In other areas, including Leicester, Luton and Bradford proportion closer to 50 percent.
For the primaries as a whole, 15.2 percent are non-native English speakers - up from 14.4 percent last year.
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The figures indicate that many new arrivals have settled in London. Lowest population of young people with English as a second language in the South and West North East.
Sir Andrew Green, from Migrationwatch think-tank, said: "These figures confirm the huge impact of immigration happened to our society.
As tight as the government funds them, this would have a negative impact as children with English as an additional language will require additional fees. "
He added: "In inner London it is difficult to know who the children of immigrants who should have to integrate with because they are exceeding the number of local children."
The numbers reflect the five-fold increase in immigration since the ruling Labor Party. Net immigration has increased from 48,000 in 1997 to 237,000 in 2007.
A DCSF spokeswoman stressed that the figures' show only language that was originally affected children in the home, regardless of whether they speak English fluently in the future. Only a relatively few new entrants to the acute problem of communication. "
"We are increasing funding in the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant to £ 206million in 2010, to bring students weak in English up to speed. We also equip schools to offer effective English as an Additional Language teaching for new arrivals."
Figures yesterday showed that the recession has brought the first increase in four years in the number of children qualifying for free school meals.

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