December 25, 2009

Children who speak English

Children who speak English as their first language is now a minority in central London primary school, official figures showed yesterday.
Children with different native languages form the majority in the primary elections in 13 of the 33 boroughs of London and near Slough.
In inner London, 54 percent of elementary school students and 48.5 percent in secondary institutions do not speak English as their first language. This is for 159,340 children are amazing.
Across the country, English is a foreign language is more than one in seven primary children - nearly half a million.
The figures from the Department of Children, Schools and Families pointed to the huge demographic changes over the decades. About one fifth of students from ethnic minorities - up from 11 percent in 1997.
There is concern that the school's financial distress as more and more young people need help with English.
Heads' leader has urged the Government to fund schools adequately and provide fair treatment to them during the inspection with a large concentration of non-English speakers.
The figures show there are 14 council areas where the children of primary school with English as their second language in the majority - 13 London boroughs and the Slough.
In Tower Hamlets nearly four out of five young children do not have English as their native language. In other areas, including Leicester, Luton and Bradford proportion closer to 50 percent.
For the primaries as a whole, 15.2 percent are non-native English speakers - up from 14.4 percent last year.
Enlarge main number graphic.jpg
The figures indicate that many new arrivals have settled in London. Lowest population of young people with English as a second language in the South and West North East.
Sir Andrew Green, from Migrationwatch think-tank, said: "These figures confirm the huge impact of immigration happened to our society.
As tight as the government funds them, this would have a negative impact as children with English as an additional language will require additional fees. "
He added: "In inner London it is difficult to know who the children of immigrants who should have to integrate with because they are exceeding the number of local children."
The numbers reflect the five-fold increase in immigration since the ruling Labor Party. Net immigration has increased from 48,000 in 1997 to 237,000 in 2007.
A DCSF spokeswoman stressed that the figures' show only language that was originally affected children in the home, regardless of whether they speak English fluently in the future. Only a relatively few new entrants to the acute problem of communication. "
"We are increasing funding in the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant to £ 206million in 2010, to bring students weak in English up to speed. We also equip schools to offer effective English as an Additional Language teaching for new arrivals."
Figures yesterday showed that the recession has brought the first increase in four years in the number of children qualifying for free school meals.

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December 23, 2009

Learn to Speak English Fluently

From a student point of view, the problem with England is that it is too rich in constructions and vocabulary, ie: There are lots of words and constructions that have similar meanings. An error occurred when students remember half of one construction and half from the other, they end up with a hotch-potch at best "one, but understandable" and at worst "nonsense".

1.Choosing English for Use or Recognition purpose only
The English do not use every phrase and word in the English language. They have a favorite phrase they use time and time again. I recommend that when you teach more than one way to say the same thing, choose only one version to learn accurately for future use. Then other store (s) vaguely in your mind for future purposes only recognition.

2. Trap to Avoid
Native English speakers modify their language according to their situation, as you would do in your own language. Unless you have constant exposure to English over the years, you can not hope to do this. The trick therefore is to choose the best English-language universal purposes and to identify other versions of the English language, so you're not at a disadvantage. Thus, you will avoid misunderstandings and you will be able to assess the quality of the English people.

Although the following knowledge is essential to understand the English language (and perhaps for some exams), I suggest you avoid them as much as possible when speaking in normal situations: --

Idioms, Phrasal word, Slang (which can sound insolent when used at the wrong time)

3.Avoiding grammatical errors when speaking
Many students who have difficulty with the use of the present perfect, because the use is not in accordance with similar looking tense in their own language. If it helps you, it is possible to avoid at all perfect now using: --


for example: I have been to Tunisia. (Time unknown)

I went to Tunisia some time ago. (Exact time unknown)

I have just finished their homework. (Recent, but time is unknown)

I finished my homework a few moments ago (the latest, but the exact time unknown)
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December 21, 2009

English Skill - Improving

My most important advice is: "Do something (anything). If you do not do anything, you will not get a place. Make your hobby, not a duty, but above all have fun!"

Do not be too hasty. You go a long way and there will be delays and frustrations along the road. Sometimes you will be in the fast lane and the next time you'll be stuck in traffic, but also there will be many interesting things and interesting people along the road. Take your time to really enjoy the experience.

There are many ways to increase the level of your English language skills, but only you can find the right way for you. Here are some tips that might help: --
Improve Learning Skills

My most important advice is: "Do something (anything). If you do not do anything, you will not get a place. Make your hobby, not a duty, but above all have fun!"

Do not be too hasty. You go a long way and there will be delays and frustrations along the road. Sometimes you will be in the fast lane and the next time you'll be stuck in traffic, but also there will be many interesting things and interesting people along the road. Take your time to really enjoy the experience.

There are many ways to increase the level of your English language skills, but only you can find the right way for you. Here are some tips that might help: --
Improve Learning Skills

Learning is a skill and can be improved.

Your way to learning effectively is through knowing

* Self
* Capacity to learn your
* Your process was successfully used in the past
* Your interest, and knowledge about what you want to learn

Motivating yourself

If you are not motivated to learn English you will become frustrated and give up. Ask yourself the following questions, and honest: --

* Why do you need to learn / improve English?
* Where will you need to use the English language?
* What skills do you need to learn / improve? (Reading / Writing / Listening / Speaking)
* How long do you need to see results?
* How much time can you afford to devote to learning English.
* How much money can you afford to devote to learning English.
* Do you have a plan or learning strategy?

Set yourself achievable goals

You know how much time you can dedicate to learning English, but a short time each day will produce better long-term results of a full day on the weekend and then nothing for two weeks.

Joining a short intensive course could produce better results than joining a course that took place once a week for six months.

Here are some goals you could set yourself: --

* Join an English course (and attend regularly).
* Do your homework.
* Read a book a month.
* Learn new words every day.
* Visit the English-speaking forum every day.
* Read the news article on the internet every day.
* Do 10 minutes listening practice every day.
* Watch an English film at least once a month.
* Follow a soap, comedy or radio or TV dramas.

A good way to meet your goal is to build a system of rewards and punishments.

Find the gift you will give yourself to fulfill your goals for a month.

* A bottle of your favorite beverage
* A meal out / or a fine meal at home
* New clothes
* A manicure or massage
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Possesive adjectives

In improve your english, Possesive adjectives are used to show ownership or possession.
Here the subject :
Subject pronoun - Possessive adjective
I - my
you - your
he - his
she - her
it - its
we - our
they - their

# You own this laptop (I presume). = It is your laptop.
# He owns a car. = It is his car.
# My father owns a nice watch. = It is his watch.
# My cat owns a collar. = It is its collar.
# We use this computer. = It is our computer
# Inter Milan own a great football ground. = It is their great football ground.
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English Grammar - Adverbs of Degree

Description degree tells us the strength or intensity of something that happened. Many details are gradable, that is, we can intensify them. Basically, they answer the kinds of questions that ask how much ...? How small or ...?

Description degrees include; sufficient, almost, completely, very, very, very, very, very, was, in part, perfect, practical, very, very, very, very, very, almost, etc.

For example: --

Men bad driving. = The man driving really bad. - In this sentence really shows us how bad he was driving.
They enjoyed the movie. = They enjoy the movie. - In this sentence really shows us how much they enjoyed the movie.
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English Pronunciation

The English Pronunciation - learn to :
1. Right or wrong, the way you speak is one of the first things people notice about you. People will judge your background, education and social standing just the way you speak.
2. Even if you are able to communicate in English if you do not speak clearly, people will not understand you and they will not want to talk to you, because it was too exhausting.
3. Listening and understanding are also important. If you do not know how other words are spoken you will increase your understanding.

Do not be confused with a pronounced accent. This does not mean that we all have to speak like the Queen of England. As long as your pronunciation is understandable and fun that's fine, if people struggling to understand you then you may need to try and reduce the accent, but if you are an actor, and you need to play different roles, please do not try to remove accents you.

But it managed to speak more than just knowing how to say the words correctly.

Pronunciation is the act of speaking clearly and concisely, so that each word sound as accurately as possible.

Declamation is about putting the right emphasis and nuance to what you say.
Contribute a better translation.
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December 20, 2009

Vocabulary - Learning English Tips

* Vocabulary Learning Tip One: Read, Read, Read! Most vocabulary words are learned from context. The more words you're exposed to, the better vocabulary you will have. While you read, pay close attention to words you don't know. First, try to figure out their meanings from context. Then look the words up. Read and listen to challenging material so that you'll be exposed to many new words.

* Vocabulary Learning Tip Two: Improve your context skills. Research shows that the vast majority of words are learned from context. To improve your context skills pay close attention to how words are used. Doing a search on a word using (for searching newsgroups) will give you many examples of how that word is used in context. Play our Daily Context Vocabulary Quiz.

* Vocabulary Learning Tip Three: Practice, practice, practice. Learning a word won't help very much if you promptly forget it. Research shows that it takes from 10 to 20 repetitions to really make a word part of your vocabulary. It helps to write the word - both the definition and a sentence you make up using the word - perhaps on an index card that can later be reviewed. As soon as you learn a new word, start using it. Review your index cards periodically to see if you have forgotten any of your new words. Also, do a search on a word using (for searching newsgroups) to get many examples of how the word is actually used.

* Vocabulary Learning Tip Four: Make up as many associations and connections as possible. Say the word aloud to activate your auditory memory. Relate the word to words you already know. For example, the word GARGANTUAN (very large) has a similar meaning to the words gigantic, huge, large, etc. You could make a sequence: small, medium, large, very large, GARGANTUAN. List as many things as you can that could be considered GARGANTUAN: Godzilla, the circus fat lady, the zit on your nose, etc. Create pictures of the word's meaning that involve strong emotions. Think "the GARGANTUAN creature was going to rip me apart and then eat me!"

* Vocabulary Learning Tip Five: Use mnemonics ( memory tricks). For example, consider the word EGREGIOUS (extremely bad). Think EGG REACH US - imagine we've made a mistake so bad that they are throwing eggs at us and a rotten EGG REACHes US. Such funny little word pictures will help you remember what words mean, AND they are fun to make up. Also, find out which learning style suits you best. Everyone learns differently!

* Vocabulary Learning Tip Six: Get in the habit of looking up words you don't know. If you have a dictionary program on your computer, keep it open and handy. America Online and other internet services have dictionaries and thesauruses on their tool bars. Find them and look up any word you are not absolutely sure of. Use a thesaurus when you write to find the word that fits best.

* Vocabulary Learning Tip Seven: Play with words. Play Scrabble, Boggle, and do crossword puzzles. These and other word games are available for the computer, so you are not dependent on a partner to play. Also, try out the Franklin Electronic Dictionary that features built-in word games.

* Vocabulary Learning Tip Eight: Use vocabulary lists. For the serious vocabulary student, there are many books that focus on the words most commonly found in standardized tests, such as the SAT and GRE. There are also many interesting word sites on the Internet, many of which will send you a word a day by email.

* Vocabulary Learning Tip Nine: Take vocabulary tests. Playing games, such as the ones on this site, that test your knowledge will help you learn new words and also let you know how much progress you're making. Offline sources for vocabulary tests include SAT prep books (we recommend "10 Real SATs" by ETS), and the Reader's Digest Wordpower section. For more, check out or your local bookseller.

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December 17, 2009


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Learning English Tips show you some of tips to easily to practice and improve english.
The content of this blog including:
adjective clause easy learn english English For Children English For Junior School English Songs Improve Your English Increase Vocabulary Knowing sentences Learn to Talk English Learning English Learning English Song Learning English Tips Learning Games noun clause Reading English Tips Teaching Proper English.

Remember just exercise your english all of the time.

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Sentences - Kind of It

Three kinds of sentences and they are:
a)The simple
b)The complex, and
c)The compound sentence

a. Study the following sentence.

He wrote a letter.

The sentence given above has only one clause. A sentence having only one clause is called a simple sentence.

b.The complex
This complex sentence consists of two clauses ‘He wrote a letter’ and ‘while she watched TV’. Here the clause ‘He wrote a letter’ makes complete sense and can stand independently. It is, therefore, a main clause. Now consider the clause ‘while she watched TV’. This clause, too, has a subject and a predicate of its own, but it doesn’t make complete sense. It is, therefore, a subordinate clause. A sentence having one main clause and one or more subordinating clauses is called a complex sentence.

c.The compound sentence
The compound sentence given above consists of two clauses ‘He wrote a letter’ and ‘she posted it.’ Both of these clauses make complete sense and can stand independently. Both clauses are therefore main clauses.
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Noun Clause - practice

Below this, you can practice your english about noun clause

A. Complete the sentences by changing the questions to noun clauses.

1. Who is she? I don’t know....................
2. Who are they? I don’t know.......................
3. What is that? Do you know.........................
4. What are those? I don’t know...................
5. Whose book is that? I dont know.............
6. Whose books are those? I don’t know...................
7. What is a wrench? Do you know ...........................
8. Who is that woman? I wonder.....................
9. Whose house is that? I wonder...........................
10. What is a clause? Don’t you know ........................
11. What is in that drawer? I don’t know................................
12. What is on TV tonight? I wonder....................
13. Whose glasses are those? Could you tell me..........................................
14. Who am I? H e doesn’t know...........................
15. What’s at the end of the rainbow? The little girl wants to know........................

B. Complete the sentences by changing the questions to noun clauses.

1. Who(m) did you see at the party? Tell me............................
2. Who came to the party? Tell me ...................................
3. Who did Helen talk to? Do you know ....................................
4. Who lives at that apartment? Do you know.........................
5. What happened? Tell me................................
6. What did he say? Tell me..................................
7. What kind of car does Jim have? I can’t remember ............................
8. How old are their children? I can’t even remember...............................
9. Where can I catch the bus? Could you please tell me..........................
10. Who broke the window? Do you know...............................
11. Who did Sara invite? I don’t know..........................
12. How long has Ted been living here? Do you know...........................
13. What time is flight 677 supposed to arrive? Can you tell me......................
14. Why is Yoko angry? Do you know.............................

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Adjective Clause - Learn and Practice

Adjective Clause
We seen that an adjective clause serves as an adjective. It used to qualify a noun or a pronoun. Given below are two sentences with similar meanings. One of them is constructed with an adjective and the other is constructed with an adjective clause.

He is a lazy boy. (Here the adjective lazy modifies the noun boy.)
He is a boy who is lazy. (Here the adjective clause ‘who is lazy’ modifies the noun boy.)
The missing girl has been found. (Here the participle missing is used as an adjective qualifying the noun boy.)
The girl who was missing has been found. (Here the adjective clause ‘who was missing’ modifies the noun boy.)
Adjective clauses begin with a relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which, that or what) or a relative adverb (when, where, why or how). An adjective clause is put immediately after the noun or pronoun which it qualifies.
Note that the relative pronoun or adverb introducing an adjective clause is sometimes omitted.
I could not answer the question (which) you asked. (Here the relative pronoun which can be omitted.)
I have read all the books (which) you gave me.
The plan (which) I proposed was accepted by all.
That is the reason (why) he does not want to come here.
An adjective clause may be introduced by as and but when they are used as relative pronouns.
This is the same book as I use. (Here the adjective clause is introduced by the relative pronoun as.)
In some cases, the main clause is broken into two parts to bring the adjective clause close to the noun/pronoun it modifies.
The man who collects the cash in a shop must be honest. (Main clause – the man must be honest; adjective clause – who collects the cash in a shop.)
The boy who was missing has been found. (Main clause – the boy has been found; adjective clause – who was missing)

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December 16, 2009

Easily To Learn English

Speaking without fear

The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their fear. They worry that they do not say that it is correct that they stupid, or so they will look not speak at all. Do not do that. The fastest way to learn something is to do it - again and again until you get it right. How it all, English needs to learn to exercise. Do not let a little fear stop you getting what you want.

Use the Source

Even if you learn English at a language school it does not mean one can not learn outside the classroom. May be with many different sources, methods and tools that will allow you to learn faster. There are many different ways to improve your English, so do not limit yourself to only one or two. The Internet is a fantastic resource for almost everything, but perfect to learn the language.

Surround yourself with English

The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. Make a note in English, put English pounds through the room, listens to see the English language radio broadcasts to English news, movies and television. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that learn about you, the faster you will be and the more likely you start is to think in English. ".

Listen to native speakers as a candidate if

There are several English teachers who need to learn good English as a second language before they can teach them. However, there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers to. One reason for this is that native speakers of a natural flow of her speech to try the students of English would have to imitate. The closer the ESL / EFL students to this rhythm or flow instrumentation get, the more convincing and comfortable and will.

Watch English films and television

This is not just learning a fun way, but also very effective. By watching English films (in particular) English subtitles, you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors. When you hear the news that you can also hear different accents.

Listen to English Music

Music can learn a very effective method of English. In fact, often used as a way to improve understanding. The best way to learn, but just to listen to the text (words) for the song and you try to get them to read to sing as an artist. There are several good websites where you can the words that will find most of the songs. This way you can have your listening and reading at the same practice. And if you love to sing, fine.

As often as study candidates!

Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and exercises, you can really improve your knowledge of all languages.

Do not Take exercises and tests

Many people think that exercises and tests are not fun to play. However, with the implementation of experiments and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for many exercises and tests is that they have a benchmark to compare the results with your future. Often it possible to compare the test results before you take that from you or one month, six months ago that you realize how much you have learned is to be taken, too. If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you move forward. Now, by seeing some of the many exercises and tests on this website launch, and again in a few days, what you have learned. Keep doing this and really make some progress in English.

Make yourself

Nobody likes to hear it to compare their own voice on tape but like tests, both for your tapes from time to time. They can be very satisfied with the progress you have made, that the sound of your voice so much talent could be impressed.

Listen to English

By this we mean, speak on the phone or listening to radio broadcasts, audiobooks or CDs in English. This is important as television or movies because you can not see the person talking to you differently. Many students from the United Kingdom says that the phone is one of the hardest things to do, and the only way to improve is to practice.
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December 13, 2009

Increase Vocabulary by Games

Most of us recognize that play is an important way to learn all types of skills and knowledge. Play works as a way to learn for a couple of reasons. First, we are more motivated to do an activity if we are having fun doing it. Second, pleasurable activities get repeated and, therefore, give us more chances to practice the skill or piece of knowledge. And as the cliché says – practice makes perfect.

Word games are a great way to pick up new vocabulary and play with vocabulary that is already familiar. Each game focuses on a different set of skills related to learning words, so if enthusiasm wanes for one game, switching to another game can re-energize the learning process. All of the paperless games below can be played anywhere. They require no equipment whatsoever other than your “thinking cap”.

1. The Alphabet Game: (Ages 5 and up) This game can be played while in a house or riding in a car. Start with the first player. The player must find an object he can see that begins with the letter A. He names the object and now the play moves to player number two. This player must name an object she can see that begins with the letter B. Play continues through the alphabet and group of players. To vary the game, work backwards through the alphabet.

2. The Word Guessing Game: (Ages 6 and up) In this game the first player thinks of a word. We suggest starting with a four-lettered word (i.e. hope). She announces to the group of players how many letters the word has (in this example – “I’m thinking of a four letter word.”). Then the next player suggests a four-lettered word (i.e. made). The first player compares the suggested word to her word. She is looking for letters in her word that are exactly matched in position to her word (i.e. “hope” compared to “made” has the letter “e” in the exact position in both words). She announces “One Letter”. Now all players know that the word “made” shared one letter with the guess word. The next player will try to think of a word which will test which letter is an exact match. For example, this player may want to test if the letter “m” in the first position is the matching letter and so she might suggest the word “mint”. The first player will respond “No Letters”. Play continues until the players identify the guess word. The player to correctly identify the guess word thinks of the next guess word. It is important to state how many letters are in the guess word. Games using four- and five-lettered words work best.

3. Find the Letter: (Ages 4 and up) This game can help very young readers learn their alphabet. This is a good game for players riding in a car. Have the players look for the letters in alphabetical order. The letters might be on road signs, license plates, billboards, or shop windows. You may need to prompt them with “Can you find the letter A?” Repetition will build up their command of the alphabet and help them identify each letter. You can also use the alphabet song to jog their memories of the next letter.

4. A is for…: (Ages 6 and up) To begin, name a category for the words that will be used in the game (for example: animals, transportation, general, etc). Now the first player must name an object within the category that begins with the letter A (such as anaconda for the animal category, auto for the transportation category, or apple for the general category). The next player names an object beginning with the letter B and the players proceed in order through the alphabet. For the next game try a new category and allow a different person to start the game.

Playing with words can be a fun and rewarding way for your children to learn new words while reinforcing ones they already know. These games will help cement the alphabet in their minds. They will identify letters, learn the order of the alphabet, and practice spelling – all critical skills for reading. Let the games begin!!
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Improve Your English by Reading

Reading is an activity that keeps the brain very active. When we read we create a mental scene, comprehend what the writer is saying, and form an opinion about what is being said. There are many different mental processes taking place at once. This means that the reader actually has to do some work, especially if English is not their native language. However, for those learning the English language, reading in English can be very beneficial when improving English language skills.

Reading English to improve English

When reading English to learn English, many new words are encountered. If too many new words are encountered, then the reading level may be too high at that particular moment and a book written for a lower level may be needed. Once the simpler book is completed and understood, then a book at a higher level can be taken on. To make learning less overwhelming, there should be no more than 5 new words per page in order for the new words to be easily understood. Having 5 new words at most will enable the reader to easily learn without the help of a dictionary and add those words to their vocabulary.

Reading books to learn English allows the reader to see English that is structured correctly, which will enable better communication through writing. It can be a little more difficult when speaking since speaking requires immediate retrieval. However, when writing, the writer can put thought into what they are trying to say before they write it on paper. In other words, they can go their own pace which rings true of the reading aspect as well. The reader can repeatedly read a sentence to get the meaning of a word or re-read an entire page if they need to.

How to get the most out of reading

There are several tips for those who are doing a lot of reading in order to learn English. These tips are:

To ensure that reading is occurring at the right level. Reading at the wrong level can be very discouraging and damage the learning process. Stopping every three words and having to utilize a dictionary is the perfect recipe for discouragement.

Writing down new vocabulary words can be extremely helpful. Better yet, create a notebook to write down new words, writing the new words down after the page or section is finished will prove more helpful. This way, the meaning of the words can be guessed. Marking them with a pen can make them easily identifiable when searching for them to write them down.

Reading needs to be done every single day for about fifteen minutes either before bedtime, in the mornings, or during lunchtime.

Be sure to have certain materials available for use: These items include reading material, a dictionary, a highlighter, a pen, and a notebook.

The chosen book needs to be something that interests the reader because interesting subjects encourage reading. When reading is encouraged, the ability to learn English is enhanced substantially.

Just as speaking, listening, and writing a new language is important, reading it is equally important when learning the structure of sentences to enhance speaking, writing, and vocabulary. Without using books as a useful tool in learning English, communication can become very difficult in a country where English is the resident language.
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Teaching Proper English to Children

In these days when financial crisis pulls down our daily budget, we all have to find ways on how to save money therefore we begin cutting down on what we spend. When you have kids who are not performing well in their studies, especially with English, you may have hired a professional tutor to help them but now, because of money matters, you might have to consider stopping their daily sessions. Getting a tutor nowadays can be a problem but this does not need to happen if you know how to teach your kids good English.

Now the only challenge that parents meet when they teach their kids good English is how to get their undivided attention. Kids can sometimes become very hyperactive and you need to have them listen to you in order for them to learn. In order to make the experience traumatic and frustrating, you need to make the learning experience a fun one for kids. If you have no idea how to do so, then you take the following simple tips:

First of all, you have to understand that kids have a strong sense of imagination. Therefore, you can use that when dealing with the English language. Try using pictures and let them pronounce and speak what the picture is. If they make mistakes, correct them gently. Remember that they are still children; therefore you need to be gentle with them. Read them a good story, maybe a fairy tale. Once you are done reading, let them pronounce easy words every day until they familiarize themselves.

Next thing you can do is to mix creativity and the English language. For example, you can draw a picture of a cat or a dog and then let them spell it out using colored markers or crayons. It is often a good idea to use this medium as children are very much interested with colors and art. Letting them practice spelling words builds up their confidence and encouraging them makes them more interested in learning good English.

Another suggestion that I can give you is to teach your kids how to spell properly. Spelling is often a good foundation for the English language and the ability to spell correctly is an advantage for young learners. I will be writing an article about that specific subject so I advice you not to miss it. You will definitely learn more techniques on how to become a good and a fun tutor to your kids or even, make this into a small business by tutoring other kids for a fee! You can also save more money because you don't have to rely on professional tutors for your kids to learn proper English.

You can also have your kids play with computer games that teach good English grammar like Bookworm and others. You can also let them familiarize and teach them some English checkers so that they can use it when they have assignments, provided that they ask for your assistance. Remember that teaching your kids proper English need not be too strict. You can make it fun-filled and educational at the same time.
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Learn to Talk English From Native Speakers

When you want to learn how to talk English, it is important that you do so by listening and speaking to those for whom English is the native tongue. The best way to become a fluent English speaker is to immerse yourself in the language. This means living in a community where the people speak English. For example, if you go shopping all the sales staff speak English and in order for you to communicate with them you do need to be able to say some words. Many non-English speakers who want to learn the English language do move to an English speaking location and attend school, but in many cases this is not always possible. For these people, there are online courses that they can take and stay at home while they are learning

You have to be aware that when you first start learning English, you will make mistakes. Making mistakes is an important part of learning in all cases. You will learn from your mistakes, especially if you have good support from those around you. English speaking children make mistakes when they first start talking and the parents and those around them correct them when they say the words incorrectly or use them improperly. The same is true of adults who are learning the language so when someone does correct your speech, you need to accept it as constructive criticism and know that they are trying to help you.

One way of learning to talk in English is to watch English television. If you use subtitles in your own language then you can understand the story line of movies. However some aspects of the speech, such as the use of sarcasm, do not translate well when using close captioning because the language translates literally.

Language dictionaries that translate words and phrases from your native language to English are really helpful in teaching you the vocabulary you need to communicate when visiting an English speaking country. You do need to practice the speech in order to be able to say the words properly. The essential part of learning English is to learn the alphabet and the ways in which the letters are pronounced. When children first start school they learn the sounds of the letters and then learn how to combine them into words. If you start reading beginning books for children, these books have pictures for the words and in books that tell stories, the pictures correspond with the storyline. Most of these books are available as audio books so that you can read along on your own as you listen to the story being read.

In an online audio English course, you listen to native English speakers reading passages that start off relatively simple and gradually progress to more difficult topics. The topics are those that you need for conversational English and ones that read passages from the news and informational passages. These passages also have comprehension exercises you can complete to make sure that you understand the meaning of what you listened to and read on your own. With these passages, you can listen to the passage being read and then practice reading it on your own.
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How to Initiate Your Child Into Learning the English

There are many benefits to children learning the English language. Most parents want their children to learn English so that they will have all of the opportunities available to them when they are adults. Learning English as a child is much easier than learning as an adult. Many parents do not know how to encourage their child to learn English. Fortunately, there are a number of things parents can do to initiate their child to learn the English language.

Parents learning English: In order to show their child that learning English is important, parents can actively and openly engage in their own English language learning process. This will make it more likely that the child will also want to learn the language.

Make Learning English Fun: Children are less likely to be motivated to learn English if it seems like it is work. Using games, activities, songs, and stories designed to help children learn English will make learning more fun. Children will look forward to learning and will learn faster. There are a number of fun tools parents can use such as CDs for learning songs, DVDs, board games, computer games, flashcard games on such topics as school, food, clothes, music, animals, time, and much more. Games create a positive and fun learning environment.

Speak English at Home: Parents can help their child learn English by speaking English at home. There are many online sites offering tips on how to speak English to children. When parents are able to speak English at home, children will have more exposure to the language and will want to keep learning. Parents and children practicing English skills together can be a great motivator for children to keep learning the language.

Internet Resources: The internet contains a host of resources to help children learn English. You will find games, fun exercises, stories, poems, and many sites that are focused on helping children learn English online. There are online resources to help children learn such things as pronunciation and vocabulary. There are also a host of tips and ideas on how to encourage your child to learn English.

Read English Books to Children: Children love it when their parents read aloud to them. Reading children's English books to them will not only encourage them to learn the language, but help them acquire a love for reading. Online resources contain a variety of children's books such as fairy tales, adventure books-etc.

Help Children Learn English Rhymes: Almost every child loves listening to and reciting rhymes. It is a great way to not only develop speech, but it is also a great way for children to learn how to speak English.

Encourage Participation: Through activities involving movement, music, and dance, children will be encouraged to sing in English and dance. It is a fun way to learn English. Participation is essential to learning another language.

Positive Reinforcement: Never force your child to learn or criticize him or her for making a mistake. Positive reinforcement is a key element to encouraging a child to stay with learning the English language. It builds trust, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

Learning English as a child can be a fun and exciting time for both the child and parents. Implementing positive methods and supporting your child will encourage a willingness to learn and retain the English language.
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English For Junior School

For international students attending junior English school
is a must, especially for younger children. Moving is difficult for any child. A move is made even more traumatic for the child if they do not understand the language of their new country. The ultimate goal of junior English school is to teach children age 3-11 to be fluent in English while receiving an outstanding education filling all the educational requirements of their homeland and their adopted land.

The youngest children attending junior school, those aged 3-6 are enrolled in a foundation program where the children are prepared for full curriculum enrollment. The 3-6 year olds are allowed plenty of play time, rest and time to socialize. They are taught the basic elements of the English language and encouraged to use it at all times, even at home. Children commonly adapt to new languages very easily at this age and often respond to instruction by learning their new language quite quickly.

For those children in the age 7-11 group, junior school enables the student to gradually move to the level of their age group. In this age group students are expected to acquire proficiency in everyday and academic English. They are encouraged to practice their new language at all times. They study basic subjects including reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, listening and speaking. In addition they study mathematics, art, science, humanities and physical education.

Summer school is available June, July and August for 23 hours per week. Learning English through fun activities is the prime focus of summer school. Comprehension of the English language is reinforced by weekly projects and academic excursions. In the afternoon sports encourage coordination and physical fitness.

During summer session children age 5 and over are treated to an academic excursion in London weekly with the purpose of using London as a classroom. The children attend galleries, historical sites and museums. They research the week's excursion, take notes while on excursion and have a follow up session afterward. Every two weeks the 3-4 year olds are taken on excursion. Parents are invited to picnics in the park on the alternate weeks.

For junior English school children aged 3-11, accommodations can be arranged as long as one parent stays with the child in the homestay. Homestay accommodations are arranged by accommodation agencies that carefully select and inspect the arrangement. The cost includes 7 nights accommodation including all breakfasts and dinners; the school provides lunch for the pupil. Homestay students and parents are provided with 24 hour emergency information so that a staff member can be reached in the event of any difficulty; medical assistance is available 24 hours a day.

Junior English school students are under constant supervision to ensure that they are not only safe, but that they are gleaning the optimal benefits from their junior school curriculum. Class size is limited to 18 students so that teachers are in very close contact with each student. Lunch is provided to all students daily. Minibus door-to door pick up and delivery service is available upon request; refer to map for locations where this service is available.
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Learning English by Song

Children are fast learners. By just looking around, their brains are working, and they are learning. By just listening to people converse and watching television, they learn the language. It is not just through listening to conversations and having conversations that a child can learn how to speak English fluently, but he can also learn through singing songs.

Karaoke Songs

Singing karaoke songs is a very fun activity not only for adults but for children as well. While singing to the song, children can follow the words in the lyrics as well as enjoy the colorful pictures at the same time. There are a lot of songs that are very educational to children like the ABC song, but learning the alphabet and some numbers is not the only thing that karaoke songs can give to your children. It can also help them learn the English language better.

How Does Karaoke Songs Help Your Child Learn English

There is no denying the fact that music and English songs for children can help in your child’s language development as well as to learn the English language.

One, when they sing English songs, they are already being taught the use of the proper English speech, accent, and intonation which is needed if you want them to speak the language clearly and fluently.

Two, singing along to English songs for children allows them to play with the words, making it a fun way to learn the language. Plus, when they sing English songs, they are given the confidence to participate verbally. In time, they will be confident enough to converse in the English language, having been comfortable singing using the English language in the first place.

Third, singing to English songs for children also helps children to maintain a longer attention span since they have to follow the lyrics to sing English songs. With a longer attention span, their listening skills are also improved.

Fourth and most important is that the English songs for kids teach them already about the English word vocabularies and grammar.

Appropriate Karaoke Songs for Your Children

You can always start with simple nursery rhymes that your children are probably familiar with already. They know the tone and pitches of the song, and by following the lyrics, they can exercise their control over the language.

To exercise just how much English language they have learned when they sing English songs, you can make them sing the song without following the lyrics. This also tests their attention span, listening skill and memory.
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Suggestion for Learning English

If you have decided that you want to learn English, you are about to start on a fairly difficult journey. While English is one of the most widely spoken languages, particularly in the western hemisphere, it is also one of the most difficult to learn. If you have committed yourself to learning the language, here are some tips you can use to make it a little easier.

Tip 1 - Identify Your Motivation and Desire

Before you start down the path of learning English, make sure you really want to. If you cannot say that you truly want to learn the language, you are going to struggle, particularly if you are trying to learn English online. Remember, it is a challenging language and will take a measure of dedication to learn.

Also, you need to identify your motivation. Ask yourself why you want to learn English. Understanding your motivation, whether it be to help qualify for a better job or to communicate with someone you know, will help you stick to your goal of learning English.

Tip 2 - Set Realistic Goals

You are not going to learn English overnight, even if you are highly motivated, are a great student, and are attending the best online English school you can find. You need to set realistic goals that you can work toward as you master the language.

Your goal for the first week may be to master some basic vocabulary. Then you may wish to tackle an important grammar rule. If you already have a basic understanding of English, you can set goals to improve your pronunciation or listening comprehension. You need to know your basic goals before you begin attending English school so that you can choose the best program to help you meet them.

Tip 3 - Set Aside Time to Practice

Learning any language takes practice, and lots of it. Knowing how to practice a language is important. You can't simply sit at home and talk to yourself. Even if you are trying to learn English online, you need to find native speakers to talk to. You can use the telephone or online chats to talk to people who know English well, but you need to find someone to talk to.

You can also practice by writing English. Write letters, emails, and notes in English whenever the recipient can understand English. Your English lesson at school will probably have you writing as well, but practical writing in the real world is the best way to discover whether or not you know the language well enough to communicate.

Tip 4 - Immerse Yourself in the Language

The best way to train your brain to think and understand in another language is to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Subscribe to publications in English, and read them. Read books in English, and listen to recordings made in English. Speak the language whenever you have someone near you who can understand it, especially when that person is a native speaker who can help you with your pronunciation.

Watch television programs in English. This is one of the best ways to help yourself learn English, because you will have a visual reference to help you understand the spoken word. If your television has closed captioning capabilities, turn this on. Then you will also have a written reference to reinforce what you are learning.

The best thing about the immersion approach is that it gets you used to the proper pronunciations of the words. Also, by immersing yourself in the culture that surrounds the English language, you can pick up on slang words and words that are not quite used correctly, but sound right to English speakers. You will pick up on phrases that are commonly used, and phrases that are best left untouched. So, whenever you have the chance to practice speaking, writing, or listening to English, take advantage of it. You will soon learn English as well as any native speaker, or perhaps even better!
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December 12, 2009

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